Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It occurred to me yesterday that I may have the goods to be Sharon Osbourne for Halloween.

I bought this wig a few weeks ago just because I can't leave Walmart without buying at least one random, completely useless item. But right in the middle of one of my math lessons yesterday it occurred to me that Sharon Osbourne had hair just like that for a while. Think I can pull it off?

She has those annoying little Pomeranians but my dogs are small enough to take the part.

Too bad my students won't have any clue as to who I'm portraying. But the other teachers might appreciate it.



tresjoli77 said...

I love you! I wish I could be there and be Kelly.

Kirsten said...

u are so creative... doesn't she judge on one of the reality competitions... maybe they will know her.

Leah said...

That's freakin' AWESOME! You can totally pull it off. I'm gonna help Lisa be Sarah Palin.

kat said...


Fat eSpence said...

Oh nice!