Thursday, November 15, 2007


I had a dream last night. I came across a Chihuahua puppy that looked
a lot like Taquito but had shorter legs and a shorter nose. She was
on sale in a pet store and I wanted her but I didn't like the idea of
buying from a pet store... puppy mills, you know? So I went home. I
came back to the store a few weeks later and she still wasn't sold. I
asked her if she was Chalupa and she jumped up and wagged her tail so
I bought her and took her home. When I got home I put her in
Taquito's crate because I didn't want her around him yet because I
knew that she might have mites or worms or something... puppy mills,
you know? So I called the vet and made an appointment and called mom
and dad and told them I was coming up and then I woke up.

Think it's a sign??

Did I mention that I woke up because Taquito woke me up? At 4am?
Because he refused to go to the bathroom at 10pm when I took him out?
So he had to go then? And he had the world's longest pee? And I had
a hard time getting back to sleep? So I'm exhausted?

Think it's a sign??


The Kenyons said...

That is DEFINATELY a sign!

Ann-Marie said...

it must mean you are pregnant.

Em said...


kat said...

dangit! now i want a taco.

Ryan said...

Wow I couldn't imagine the "world's longest pee" not being a sign.

Leah said...

I think you need a Chalupa. I think I need a chalupa... maybe I'll go to Taco Bell on my way home...

Fat eSpence said...

That was really funny.