Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello New Friend

This is my new friend. She has "MacBook Pro" written on her(?) but I don't think that's her real name. But I don't know what to name her yet. Yes, I just decided that it's definitely a her. So there. And I love her. She's shiny and new and she has an installed camera and DVD burner. She makes pretty sounds and her screen lets me see lots of pretty things at once. Pretty, pretty, pretty. Tell me what you think I should name her. I'm open to middle names as well...


Jon said...

YOU GOT ONE?!?!??!!
I can't decide right now whether i love you or hate you.
I KNOW how I feel about your computer:
Unadulterated covetousness.

Jon said...

Take THAT, Jay!

Spliz said...

no matter what you name it I'm going to call it R2Delicious.

so you know.

Nama said...

maybe instead of 'other', you can go with 'misc.', or 'various', or, maybe even 'the lappy formally known as imacbook pro'...

oh the possibilites...

Jay said...

At least you didn't buy a black one.