Thursday, August 24, 2006

For Rent

Somebody typed in "carnival rides for rent, glendale, az" into Google and found... me. It made me laugh out loud. You know... LOL. Or is that "lots of love" in IM lingo? I don't care. Maybe I'll use it to describe your mom who is a "load of lard." LOL! YMIF!

But I digress. From what topic I don't know. But if there was a clear topic established then there would certainly be digression. Which is a word I just made up, I think. Because when I went to, digression was not a listed form of the word. Huh. But I digress.

My point is... Mr. Ride Renter will find no luck finding what he needs.

My life is certainly a carnival ride... but it's not for rent.


Nama said...

is your fat mom for rent? she could double as a carnival ride. i'm thinking a hot-air balloon.

Em said...

or we could put netting around her and she could be one of those bouncy things for kids.

Erika said...

I wish I was a carnival ride. I think I would be that big circle one that spins around and around and pushes you on the edges. Not that I want people to just look at me and throw up, but it's a cool ride.