Monday, September 04, 2006

The Humidity. It's Killing Me.

Last night I was so ridiculously hot. I was wearing shorts and a tank top and had giant fan blowing on me and I was still sweating. I couldn't remember being this hot during this whole Utah summer. Why would I be more hot in Tacoma? My mom called last night to complain about the heat. "Are you hot? I'm hot! It's this darn humidity!" Aha! I had forgotten about that darn humidity!

Even this morning... it's only 55 degrees. But the humidity is at 86%. At the same time, in Provo it's 63 degrees but the humidity is only at 45%.

I think I'd rather have B.


Anonymous said...

So you're saying you miss Utah? Just wait... the snow will be back soon!

Spliz said...

utah misses you.

wait, no. not Utah. me. and not you. Taco Bell.

and you, too.


Anonymous said...

forget about the heat, how's your hair?
cuz mine would be freakin' out!

p.s. way to remind me about winter, bryce. now i'm bummed.

Nama said...

you know what else is killing. your face.

and your fat mom.