Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Holi

I went to the Krishna Temple last night to celebrate Holi. Here are some pictures from the event. We threw color on each other, danced around a huge bon fire, chanted and danced. I think I love it.


Nama said...

how colorful and firey!

Kimberly said...

What do you mean by "threw color?" Colored dirt? Because that's what it looks like--dirt.

Ann-Marie said...

i went to my cousin's freshman ward today. she described this festival as "a rave without drugs"! sounds like fun!!

Em said...

kimberly: not dirt... colored flour i think.
ann-marie: it was kind of rave-ish. great fun. no drugs.

kat said...

whenever i throw flour on people, they get mad.

Chester B. said...

Is this the festival that also involves Llamas?
Because if it is, I'm really interested in hearing what those Hari's doctrine is founded on.