Sunday, October 12, 2008

Empire Records

I have been working for a large bookstore chain since the first of July. I figured a summer job would be a good idea to help me in my endeavor to get some extra cash during the whole obtaining a condo experience. I chose a book store because that's where most of my money goes anyway and because I was hoping it would be something like being in the movie "Empire Records." But... IT IS!

I decided to keep the job. I work most Saturdays. Every week is an adventure. Customers can be entertaining and sometimes all too disturbing but it's the employees that leave me feeling the need to scour my old psychology text books looking for answers.

Ever since they found out I was 27, I have turned into a sort of mom for them. This is terrifying to me. Even more terrifying was the immediate level of comfort they have when it comes to sharing intimate details about their lives. The other day one of them randomly showed me her bra. Just to show me. Because it was new.

Which leads me to three weeks ago when a woman at my elementary school asked me if I offended easily. I said I didn't. And then she flashed me. To show me her new bra. That was winking at me.

So maybe my question here (if I had one) wouldn't be what is it about people that makes them feel comfortable enough around me to show off their underwear but what is it about me that says to people, "I'm okay with whatever."

Because I'm not. I'm not okay with whatever.

I just work here!


Kirsten said...

love the new lay out! and it's sad that teachers have to have second jobs, I mean really. and what is it with ppl flashing you. you should just tell ppl that you DO offend easily.

Teju said...

Man, I knew I should have showed you my bra!!! Now you are so far away...

kat said...

you said you liked it!

Heather said...


Like Kat, I think I am one of those people that has flashed you in the last month.

How awkward is this?

Em said...

Yeah, but those make sense because they happened in a hotel room.

I just made it worse, didn't I?

Andrea said...

Maybe you're in the wrong business... drop the Borders, get a job at Victoria's Secret. Embrace the desire others have to show you their underwear.