Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I get that a lot of you won't understand how deep I'm feeling this but work with me. This evening I moved into my condo!

I bought this thing in July and as I've mentioned in previous posts it's been a hellish monster. But the bedroom is finally pretty and ready for furniture which is coming on Friday and it's finally ready for people to safely enter.

My parents have been kind enough to let me crash at their place since school let out in June and I realize the hugeness of this so please don't think I'm a horrible person when I say how happy I am to finally be out of there! "When are you coming home?" "Where are you going?" "What are you eating?" "Will you make me a sandwich, too?" "Who are you talking to?" "What do they want?" "Do you like them?" "Do you really think that's a good idea?" "Do you have gas in your tank?" "How much?" "Do you really think it's wise to drive on less than half a tank?" "How about you fill up your tank right now?" "How about you pay for lunch?" "Why don't you want me to come?" "Why do you need alone time?" "Is your alone time over?" "Is it over now?" "How about now?" "You don't have to be so grumpy about it!"

They were killing me!!

But now I'm free! Free to pack whatever I want for lunch. Free to make dinner for just myself. Free to take as long as I want in the shower. Free to watch whatever I want on TV. Free to go uninterrupted for more than two minutes. Free to write a blasted email without somebody breathing over my shoulder. Free to walk out the front door without being interrogated. Free! Free! Free!!!

In my condo... which I love... wholeheartedly... despite its flaws and outdated fixtures. Because the cigarette carpets only smell like independence to me. Sweet independence...



Kirsten said...

awwweee FREEDOM!!!!! breath the cigarette smoke in!!!! sign with me!!! freedom.. Freedom.. FREdom.. FREEEEEDOM!!!

Leah said...

Hooray for you! I want to come see it!

Heather said...

I'm so proud of you, em. Seriously, drink milk straight from the carton, walk around the house in naught but your undies, blast some angry punk rock, and eat cereal for dinner.

That's the American Dream.

kat said...

now YOU get to be the one to say to people, "as long as you're under my roof, you'll do as i say."
i'm jealous.

Ann-Marie said...

Yipee! I want to see pictures!

Andrea said...

Holy crap, I'm excited for you. Now, I can come visit you! :) That's why you bought the condo, huh?

Em said...

That IS why I bought the condo. The Em tour bus is ready to go at any time!