This is a picture taken sometime between April and August of 2005. I think. In the same roll, there are pictures of Julymas of that year and also pictures from when we dressed up to go to see Star Wars. But for the life of me I can't remember this picture. Do you remember?
No help other than that it was a girls' night which obviously took place in the 2nd ward. Em's wearing my favorite shirt. Sarah Craig had obviously NOT gone on her mission yet (speaking of which, she should be coming home soon, no?). Ritz and Kat are looking tough. Ruth and Julie are looking sweet as usual. And Nama just looks hot.
P.S. Wasn't this the summer than Nama went to Italy? So we can rule out anything except early early April and late June onward. Did Nama even come back from Dallas until right before school started? I don't remember, but if so, we can rule out even more time. Nama, please enlighten us as to your activities.
She got that shirt in Italy... I know that... so it must have been after she got back...
i say disco skating, but why? why are you disco skating?
disco skating ward activity at classic skating. i think it was june or july of 2005.
my memory is totally better than yours.
I AM PSYCHIC! I could, like, sense the skates.
the real question is...why wasn't i there?
the hot one speaketh:
yes, it's was definitely AFTER italy because i got that shirt there. and i was only in utah for a like a week before going back home to dallas, so it had to have been mid-june sometime. and i think it was classic skating, too. why else would kat & ritz be dressed like that?
oh! now i see em's glow bracelets & a stamp on ritzy's hand! classic skating definitely has my vote.
and i just looking on a calendar for the dates i was in utah during the month of june, 2005: i got back from italy the evening on the 8th and left very early in the morning on the 18th.
Wow! You guys have a way better memory than me. But now that you mention it, I totally remember that night! It was so much fun! It probably would have been more fun if I knew how to skate...
I think I took that picture.
I have a million pictures from that night because it was back when I took my video camera everywhere. They are all time stamped as being downloaded from my camera on the night of June 9th 2005. Since Nama came back on the 8th that leaves only two days that it could have been... okay so I'm a little late and everyone already figured it out, but I wanted to say something anyways.
wow. we should start a slightly dimwitted detective agency where we solve crimes and carry magnifying glasses around wherever we go!
I'll join your detective agency Kat. I'm going to be a forensic accountant in San Fran!
If you ever get assigned the "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?" case, I'll go ahead and save you some time... it was me.
But I'm not the one that stole the lard cakes from the lard jar... that was your mom.
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