Monday, June 14, 2004

She Whines

My thumb nail is falling off and the process is disgusting.
But also kind of cool.
I think I may have applied to the wrong program.
Transitions are hard.
Really hard.
I think I may go "home" for a few days in July.
Am I stupid?
My parents don't want to see me.
There's a shocker.
My parents do want me to support them financially.
Seriously. What the crap?
My sister still hasn't called.
The Maid of Honor needs some info.
My brother still hasn't responded to my messages.
I'm supposed to be his favorite.
I'm a social reject.
I have a headache.
I need another job.
Po' white girl.
I'm kind of hungry.
Taco Bell withdrawels.
But at least my mom's not as fat as your mom.
Phew! That was a close one!

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