Monday, July 28, 2003

When a young EFY boy hits on you while you're waiting for your brother to come down from his room in DT, do you?

A) Smile and just hope he'll go away without you having to tell him your age
B) Tell him that you're 22 and could be his mom and watch embarassment come to his baby face
C) Let your mind wander back to the last time you were hit on... never... panic
D) Pretend like you're Deaf
E) Keep trying to show him your wrists and hope he notices that you're not wearing a bright orange EFY band and in the mean time hope he doesn't think you're hinting that you want him to hold your hand

Apparantly I'm 14. Good to know. At least it's better than being 12 like I was a few months ago when a teacher mistook me for a 6th grader and told me to sit down with my class. See? I am growing up! At this time next year I plan to be at least 16! Ooh! I can drive! And date! Nevermind... at this time next year I plan to be 15. Baby steps...

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