Wednesday, January 28, 2004

How To Lose

In "How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days" the movie starts to come to a dramatic close when Ben says, "Congratulations! It worked because you just lost me." And Andy shoots back, "No I didn't, Ben, because you can't lose something you never had!"

But, can you miss something you never had? She did. And so do I.

However, unlike Andy Anderson, mine's not going to chase me down on a motorcycle with a love fern strapped to the back. And this love fern needs more than some sunlight and water. That sucka is dead.

And still, I wish I could be more like Andy. Not because her situation was resolved. I understand that mine never will be. But because she got in the cab. She cut her losses (or non-losses?) and got in the cab. She didn't grovel back or try to create something that wasn't there. She just got in the cab, left no forwarding number, no "leave behind" and left.

I thought I got in that cab almost five years ago when my friends picked me up one morning when it was still dark outside and drove me the thousand miles to Zion. But I guess I didn't because in four and a half years, if I had really cut my losses (ie non-losses) and moved on, would it still hurt this much? Would I still miss that something I never had?

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