Saturday, January 03, 2004

Tossin' and Turnin'

I don't really want to go to sleep or stay asleep but complete exhaustion has forced me to stay asleep after I have unwillingly slipped into slumber. You see, I'm a sick and twisted human being who would rather stay awake and be completely tired and campy than face my own subconscious. Lately, it's been a reoccurring nightmare unlike any I've ever had. It's a sick combination of the Lord of the Rings, my own family life and the huge box of candy I have stashed in my bedroom. I'm always running, running, running and the "special effects," scary characters and intense non-plot leave me aching for my childhood days when my only reoccurring nightmare involved a pink and purple monster, my family and their combined efforts to feed me to the beast. I'd take that pink and purple guy over this new villian any day. As long as he's just not added into this new one... because I don't think I can handle them joining forces... or the monster's influence on the color scheme.

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