Thursday, March 27, 2003

Sometimes I forget that I'm a student. I come home from work, sit down and start eating. Then suddenly a little alarm goes off in the back of my brain. I can barely hear it... it's buried deep... but it goes off and suddenly I remember that not only am I a student but I also have homework due. What?? Homework. Oh dear. I rummage through my disorganized folders looking for clues. How many classes am I taking? Have I always had this many classes? Wait, I'm a TA? Oh dear, oh dear. This is when I realize my situation. One hour till go time and I have a paper to write and about 30 student papers to grade. How did this happen? How could I forget that I'm a student? Have my roommates been slipping me my stupid pills? They did like me a lot on those things... but no. Hmmm... it's one of life's mysteries... dote!... gotta run... only 15 minutes left...

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