Saturday, November 22, 2003

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

Well, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the movies anyway. Christmas back home looked just like the 4th of July and Easter and every other holiday. Wet and green. But not here. Here it's white and beautiful and it looks like every winter childhood fantasy I ever had. But I was a stupid child. Now I realize that snow is just a wretched combination of wet and cold that never goes away! Maybe if I skiied or snowboarded I would understand the underlying joys of winter but I don't. Just driving down the street to the grocery store takes twice as long and that time is twice as uncomfortable as all the heat is directed at your windows for defrosting instead of your fingers which are frozen as well. So, in an attempt to accept winter here is a list of things I love about the season... (just a few...)
1. candy canes
2. hot chocolate
3. hot apple cider
4. decorations
5. holiday movies
6. holiday music
7. heated apartments
8. blankets
9. days off work
10. travelling
And I'm still excited!

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